Nefertari tomb Entry Ticket

Inquire Booking

1 人あたりの見積価格 (米ドル)

  • 大人 (12 ~ 99 歳) = 73.55 $
Inquire Booking

The Nefertari Tomb, an exquisite masterpiece of ancient Egyptian artistry, transports you back in time to the grandeur of the New Kingdom period. This meticulously crafted replica captures the elegance and magnificence of Queen Nefertari's final resting place. With intricate hand-carved details and vibrant colors, every nuance of the original tomb has been faithfully recreated. Display this extraordinary piece in your home or office to experience the awe-inspiring beauty of ancient Egypt firsthand.


  • ネフェルタリ墓の入場チケット
  • 専用セダンカー 1~2名様用 10$
  • プライベート バン 3 ~ 5 名様用 20$
  • 専用ミニバス 6 ~ 10 人乗り 30$
  • ランチお一人様 10$
  • ツアーガイド グループあたり 10$


  1. Nefertari tomb