Valley Of The Kings Entry Ticket

今予約する! Inquire Booking

から USD 19

+10 追加オプション


1 人あたりの見積価格 (米ドル)

  • 大人 (12 ~ 99 歳) = 22 $
  • 子供 (6 ~ 11 歳) = 11 $

から USD 19

+10 追加オプション

今予約する! Inquire Booking

Immerse yourself in the rich history of ancient Egypt with VALLEY OF THE KINGS. Uncover the mysteries of the famed burial grounds as you strategically collect and manage precious artifacts. Delve into the ancient tombs, strategically choosing which cards to acquire and when to entomb them for maximum points. Build a dynasty that will stand the test of time, gathering the most impressive collections of treasures. VALLEY OF THE KINGS offers an engaging and challenging tabletop experience for both casual and seasoned gamers alike.


  • 王家の谷入場チケット
  • 専用セダンカー 1~2名様用 10$
  • プライベート バン 3 ~ 5 名様用 20$
  • 専用ミニバス 6 ~ 10 人乗り 30$
  • ランチお一人様 10$
  • ツアーガイド グループあたり 10$


  1. Valley Of The Kings