Cairo & Luxor Tours 4 pax ( Jessica)

Ab USD 309

+9 Zusätzliche Optionen

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Prices Quoted Per Person in U.S.D (309$)


Ab USD 309

+9 Zusätzliche Optionen

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Day 1, Monday Sept. 9:
Morning: Airport Transfer 1 : Cairo Airport to Ritz Carlton Cairo (flight arrives around 7am)

Private Car + Tour Guide
Prices Quoted Per Person in U.S.D (7$)

Evening: Khan Al Khalili Bazaar
Private Car + Tour Guide

Prices Quoted Per Person in U.S.D (20$)

Day 2, Tuesday Sept. 10:
Cairo Private Day Tour: Giza Pyramids, Sphinx, Valley Temple, Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM)
Private Car + Tour Guide+ Entry Tickets 
Prices Quoted Per Person in U.S.D (75$)

Day 3, Wednesday Sept. 11:
Ritz Carlton Cairo to Cairo Airport (flight from Cairo to Luxor around 1:40pm)
Luxor Airport to Winter Palace Luxor Hotel
Private Car + Tour Guide
Prices Quoted Per Person in U.S.D (12$)

Day 4, Thursday Sept. 12:
At 7:00 am Pickup from your Hotel  by Emo Tours Licensed Tour guide then you will be transferred by Private A/C Vehicle to the West Bank where you will visit the Valley Of The Kings, the magnificence of the grandeur of architecture which was used for burial, there are many kings buried in this valley. The most known tombs are King Tutmosis I, Tutmosis III, Tut-Ankh-Amon, King Ramssess VI, King Mrenptah and AmonhotepII. Followed by a visit to the Temple of Queen Hatshepsut that known as El Dir El Bahari which was built by Queen Hatshepsut the daughter of Thutmosis I, who ruled Egypt about 20 years during the 18th Dynasty (approximately 1490-1469 B.C), the only pharaonic woman who reigned ancient Egypt. Than visit Medinat Habu, it is an archaeological locality situated near the foot of the Theban Hills on the West Bank of the River Nile opposite the modern city of Luxor, Egypt. Then Continue your day Tour to Deir el Medina, known as The Valley of the worker, Deir el-Medina is an ancient Egyptian village which was home to the artisans who worked on the tombs in the Valley of the Kings during the 18th to 20th dynasties of the New Kingdom period (ca. 1550–1080 BC) The paintings appear so fresh. Than visit to Valley of the Queens it's is a place where wives of Pharaohs were buried in ancient times. In ancient times, it was known as Ta-Set-Neferu, meaning –"the place of the Children of the Pharaoh", because along with the Queens of the 18th, 19th and 20th dynasties (1550–1070 BCE) many princes and princesses were also buried with various members of the nobility. Then Continue your day Tour to The Colossi of Memnon which are remains of the mortuary temple of Amenhotep III In The End transfer you back to your hotel in Luxor
Private Car + Tour Guide+ Entry Tickets 
Prices Quoted Per Person in U.S.D (75$)

Day 5, Friday Sept. 13:

At 7:00 am Pickup from your Hotel or Nile Cruise in Luxor by Emo Tours Tour guide then you will be transferred by Private A/C Vehicle to Abydos city Drive north from Luxor for a day to see two of the most complete temples in Egypt. The Temple of Seti I, also known as the Great Temple of Abydos, is a major historical site located in Abydos. 

The temple of Seti I is situated in Abydos, one of the most important archaeological sites of Ancient Egypt. Abydos is located in Upper Egypt, about 10 km from the Nile River. It was a necropolis for Egypt’s earliest kings and later became a pilgrimage center for the worship of the god Osiris. It is also where the cults of the deified kings of ancient Egypt were celebrated. The temple of Seti I has an unusual L-shaped ground plan and was built primarily of limestone, with the occasional use of sandstone in different areas throughout the structure. The temple was completed after Seti I’s death, by his son, Ramesses II, whose cartouches are found in certain parts of the temple, along with his characteristic sunk relief style, that is different from the very fine raised relief of his father. 
Then continue to Temple of Dendera, Hathor was among the most important and popular deities in ancient Egypt. She was associated with music, joy, dance and motherhood; she was also known as the lady of the sky. Her main cult center was at Dendera where one of the best-preserved temples in Egypt stands today. The entrance of the temple, with six massive columns surmounted with the head of Hathor, is considered among the most beautiful monuments in Egypt. Sistrums (a musical instrument) closely associated with the goddess, frame her head.

At the end of the tour transfer back to the hotel in Luxor .

Private Car + Tour Guide+ Entry Tickets 
Prices Quoted Per Person in U.S.D (65$)

Day 6, Saturday Sept. 14:

At 7:00 am Emo Tour's guide will pick you up from your hotel in Luxor and transfer by Private A/C Vehicle to Edfu around 50 minutes drive south of Luxor. arrival in Edfu where you can visit the majestic Temple of Edfu, Edfu Temple is one of the most striking and complete of ancient Egyptian temples and is dedicated to the worship of the god Horus. Situated on the western bank of the Nile, its construction began during the reign of Ptolemy III (246–221 BC) in 237 BC, but was completed in the reign of Ptolemy XII (80–51 BC) in 57 BC, 180 years later.

Then Continue Your day tour to Kom Ombo around 45 minutes drive from Eduf Arrival Kom Ombo transfer to see the Kom Ombo Temple, The site gets its name from Arabic kum ‘mound’, a term found in the names of many archaeological sites, and ‘Ombo’, which ultimately derives from ancient Egyptian Nubt, interpreted as meaning ‘the golden (city).’ The city’s temple is dedicated to two deities: the crocodile god Sobek, and the falcon god Har wer (Horus the Elder). Although an earlier temple once stood here already during the New Kingdom (c. 1550–1069 BC), the present structure was built during the Graeco-Roman Period (332 BC–395 AD), with the earliest attested royal name in it being Ptolemy VI Philometor’s (180–145 BC). Most of the decoration was completed by Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (80–51 BC).

Then transfer back to your hotel in Luxor.

Private Car + Tour Guide+ Entry Tickets 
Prices Quoted Per Person in U.S.D (50$)

Day 7, Sunday Sept. 15:
Airport Transfer 4 from Luxor Hotel to Luxor Airport (flight from Luxor around 3:20pm
Private Car + Tour Guide
Prices Quoted Per Person in U.S.D (5$)